Inanimate Insanity Baseball Wishing You Were Somewhere Here Again



"We signed a no spoiler contract!"

The following information may contain spoilers. Delight read at your own risk if y'all have nevertheless to watch the content the following information originates from.

Part ane

Graphic symbol Scene/Script
Marshmallow (Marshmallow is walking with her motion-picture show of Bow with a chair looking at it sadly. MePad then teleports to Marshmallow, which startles her and causes her to fall on the basis. The pic flies to MePad'south face. Marshmallow looks at MePad.)
Marshmallow Didn't mean to startle you like that.
Marshmallow ...You feeling okay?
MePad I simply don't feel much in general, merely I do feel the need to make you lot aware that you are nearing the outside of the show'southward parameters without permission, and that you must turn dorsum.
Marshmallow know what they say about parameters! They only exist in our minds!
MePad (MePad teleports in front of Marshmallow once again) Indeed. We all have our limitations, they are what make u.s. unique.
Marshmallow Wow! Deep.
Marshmallow (Marshmallow stares at MePad, so at the mansion, so at MePad again, and starts running towards the mansion.)
MePad Marshmallow, you lot are non meant to practice this. Your disobedience is unprecedented. I would advise you render.
MePad ...This state of affairs has get desperate.
MePad (MePad teleports over again.)
Marshmallow (Marshmallow opens the mansion doors and walks inside.)
Marshmallow ...Bow? You there? Hello?
Dough (Dough falls downwards the stairs and falls into a portal. He comes out of said portal.)
Dough Ugh, it'south not the same!
Dough (Looks at Marshmallow) Oh. How-do-you-do.
Marshmallow Youuu! Um... I-I was kinda calling out for...y'know, Bow... Eheh. And so...
Dough No, no, I go information technology. That's what anybody says, and so... (sighs)
Bow Is that Marshmallow?! Well, it's been fun guys, merely I've gotta fold. Besides, who could bluff to those faces?!
Marshmallow Hehehe! Aw.
Bow So, hey! What brings y'all dorsum to my-
Dough Well, information technology'due south been fun guys, but I gotta fold. Too, who could barefaced to those faces?! Hahahah..ha..What am I doing wrong?
Bow So, heyyyyy! What brings yous back to my crib?
Marshmallow Eh, where to brainstorm? I'thousand having all these feelings lately. Kinda guilty. Kinda uncertain. No ane else seems to desire to talk to me virtually this. And to be fair, I...I feel similar I'one thousand actually chirapsia a dead horse hither, just information technology's awful.
Bow Well, um, hey! Why does the equus caballus accept to be expressionless, huh?
Marshmallow (gasp) Lamentable! Is that..
Bow Information technology's fine, y'know I merely adopt metaphors that aren't offensive.
Dough Is the equus caballus a mare? Then I'd care.
Bow End rhyming! AND you are Non my Brother! I don't know where he came from, I don't know why he rhymes, I just don't know.
Balloon (To Suitcase) Yeah, I hope information technology'south shell collecting besides!
MePhone4 (Rushed) Alright! Elimination fourth dimension! I need the Bright Lights! Let'south go, go, go, go!
Fan Wait, REALLY?!
MePhone4 Aye, yep! Of class! C'mon!
Test Tube and Paintbrush Uuuuuh...
Toilet Mistah Phone!
MePhone4 Nope!
Toilet Mistah Phone!
MePhone4 Nope!
Toilet Mistah Telephone!
MePhone4 No!
Toilet Mistah Phone!
MePhone4 Cipher information technology!
Toilet (shocked) MISTAH Telephone!!
MePhone4 Non now! So concluding time... terminal...No, await, wait, await! Everybody up! Everybody up! Ugh, I forgot. Nosotros don't have to practise this right now.
Toilet Mistah Phone! That's what I've been trying to tell y'all, sir!
MePhone4 Welcome to the challenge! Which, given the lack of the elimination last episode,
Fan Since when was that even possible?
MePhone4 Was chosen past the viewers! And they've chosen...
MePad (MePad'southward screen shows that Shell Collecting got 4,516 votes, Knitting got iv,573, and Bucket Brigade got 7,281 votes, making the challenge Bucket Brigade.)
MePhone4 Saucepan Brigade! (Gets the claiming ready)
Lightbulb What? But I got all of this for only fifty dollars!
MePhone4 Since you lot guys take been getting along sooo well lately, information technology seems like a no-brainer to take a claiming that can highlight your sense of teamwork, I mean, splitting up in the maze, well that was teamwork at it's finest.
Lightbulb (with a yarn ball in her mouth) Thanks! At least someone noticed!
MePhone4 So each squad will have to fill up a big reservoir by passing a saucepan from the dock and back! As the reservoir fills, the platform inside volition heighten. In one case high enough, the member on the platform will grab the key and plunge in the now full reservoir. The cardinal will be used to unlock a chest. Within the chest are 3 balls. The teams so throw their assurance to their corresponding targets. The first team to hit their target three times wins immunity!
Test Tube Oooooh! So information technology's ane of those challenges where the first part'southward basically arbitrary to the goal!
MePhone4 Yeah, I could give you the balls at the beginning, but really, where'southward the fun in that?
Nickel Where's the fun in whatsoever of this?
Baseball game (laughs)
MePhone4 And the team that loses...permit's just say they better exist ready to cast elimination votes this evening!
Paintbrush Look, we're the ones who vote now?!
MePhone4 Call back how I said I'd make up for there being no elimination last time? Consider the stakes raised.
Baseball (laughing)
MePhone4 So, how almost instead of mocking me, y'all figure out who volition do what in the side by side challenge!
Suitcase Yeah, and how nigh how you...uhh...I'grand...I'chiliad deplorable.
Balloon (laughs) Suitcase, that was a skillful one.
Nickel Ahem! Our alliance, a word please? (Pushes Suitcase)
Nickel (To Suitcase and Baseball) Look, there's no easy way to say this, but...
Suitcase I know, bad joke. Run across, I've never been the quipping type.
Nickel W-wh-what, no! I-I'k saying given the stakes here..
MePhone4 Consider them raiiised!
Nickel We really can't afford anymore trouble from...y'know, Airship again. His presence alone has started to tear usa apart, hasn't it? I call back it'd be best for all of usa if...y'know, he gets a small part in the challenge, and...we...nothing crazy...stop talking to him beyond the blank minimum!
Baseball game Um, Nickel? A word delight? (Pushes Nickel)
Suitcase Oh, um...alright, I'll
Baseball She and Balloon are friends, simply like us. Forcing them autonomously would be outright hypocritical!
Nickel Eeeh...uh...I estimate. But at that place's a big divergence between being an alliance and being friends. If you let an alliance blend into some personal, It's just not built for that.
Baseball game Yeah, but are y'all really in an alliance if you experience like y'all have no control, though? Nosotros should permit her have a friend. This is her choice to make.
Nickel Ah! See? At present you're talking alliances! Hmm...she should feel like she has a choice. In fact, I'll exercise you 1 better! (walks over to Suitcase) So, uh, Suitcase!
Airship Woah! Look at that, Suitcase! Y'all exist again!
Nickel Suitcase, I've gotta say, y'all've really changed my heed about Balloon hither.
Suitcase I..uh..I have?
Nickel I think yous know better than whatever of us how he should exist treated. Then you should make up one's mind what he does in the challenge today!
Suitcase Wow! Okay, um, I think you lot should exist run-up in the lake! Passing all of our buckets to the ropes and filling them with water!
Nickel ...uh, that's a big responsibility...(looks at Baseball)...Okay, certain! We'll see how he does!
Taco (to Microphone) Did you lot hear that?
Microphone I hear everything now.
Taco "Nosotros'll run into how he does", Nickel tellingly exclaimed. Meaning the claiming is a test of Airship's ability.
Microphone Whaaaat? You sure?
Balloon (sigh) This challenge is a examination of my ability. Now the whole team is going to be depending on me! I told you I don't demand their approval!
Suitcase You don't! You're gonna win this for yourself!
Taco ...yourself. (laughs) Oh, how ambrosial. This isn't about winning for yourself. It's virtually setting the states up for the future. Baseball and Nickel are conspicuously looking for a reason to get Airship out. Your job is to provide them with that reason.
Microphone You're very abstruse. Y'all know that, correct?
Taco Is this concrete plenty for your liking? (pulls out a taser)
Microphone W-wh-woah! What is that?!
Taco Oh, I've managed to Some may phone call it a "temporary paralyzer".
Microphone You want to paralyze him?! Wha-y'all- Yous don't practise that!
Taco (turns the taser off) You lot didn't seem to have a trouble when I spoonfed you the directions out of the maze.
Microphone That'southward different! Y'all were just giving me advice. This is actually attacking people!
Taco Advice?! Just adv- I believe bodily directions are, for a better term, direct!
Microphone Y-you didn't even acknowledge the fact that we're actually attacking people! At ALL!
Taco (scoffs) Ethics will get you nowhere, Microphone.
Microphone That'southward real reassuring to hear it coming from yous.
Taco Enough! Baseball blamed you for the tie last episode, so who do you lot desire the target painted on? Your back or Balloon's. (gives Microphone the taser) Hm! Wow, information technology's virtually equally if the option is articulate, so let's pounce on these tensions when the fourth dimension is nonetheless right.
Microphone Pounce? Is this really how yous talk? ....I'll think most it. Alright? (walks to Balloon)...Ugh, (drops the taser and taser makes an electrical noise) Ah!
Taco What are you doing? That was my gift to yous! You merely had to accept it! You have no respect for the proceeds. No gratitude!
Microphone (to Balloon) Y'know, what you're doing here is pretty brave, I must say.
Balloon Oh! Thank you, Mic. Suitcase e'er tells me to believe in what I say! You know what? I say that I tin do this!
Microphone Hey, that reminds me of how Soap told me to "mind to my center". She said that...while she was walking through the..."elimination portal", y'know, the portal of elimination?
Balloon You lot don' don't think I'chiliad at risk of getting eliminated... exercise you?
Microphone Oh, no, no, no. Definitely not. Well...perchance. No, wait! Yep.
Balloon Yes?!
Microphone I mean, I wouldn't accept been able to have that risk. I am a...coward. Yes. So expert on y'all! (starts walking away) Like I said, pretty brave of you. Pretty brave.
Balloon (Airship holds his head, looking nervous.)
MePhone4 Okay, looks like everyone'due south in position!
Paintbrush Wait! Ha-has anyone seen Marshmallow?!
MePhone4 We're ready to begin!
Paintbrush No, nononono! Marshmallow isn't even Hither!
MePhone4 Ugh! She paying Mars a visit again?
MePad Sir, I've been trying to inform y'all. It appears Marshmallow has "gone rogue".
MePhone4 ...oh. And then she's not in danger?
MePad Not this time, but she has even so exited the parameters of the show.
MePhone4 In that example, I'd like to invoke the "her loss" clause. Her loss!
MePad (laughter & clapping via MeApplause)
MePhone4 Now, if she's non dorsum by the next episode, she will be officially disqualified and eliminated!
Fan A disqualification?! Some other possibility left unexplored! My perfect world is crumbling before me! (inhales & exhales in a purse. Said bag pops.)
Paintbrush What?! She just left?! She...she didn't fifty-fifty tell me where she was going.
Bow (to Marshmallow) Then, I was floating in nothingness, for, like, ever, y'know? Then, one day...(cut off)
Marshmallow (flashbacks of her and Apple.)
Bow firm with tacky former furniture and no cell reception. And that's how I got my tail! So, give me the deets, what's been going on in life? You tin can ask about mine, but, hey, that's long gone! (laughter)
Marshmallow (puts down Dr. Fizz) Apple seemed similar she was the perfect friend. Clingy? Certain. But I thought it was because she cared a lot about me. But once I found out the truth, I can't assistance but think, "is anything on this show Real?"
Bow Well, hey. She's eliminated, right? Out of sight, out of mind. Makes y'all recollect nearly me, huh? (laughter) Await, I'll exist frank with you, Marsh, and I don't even know who frank is. I don't call up that kumquat was important. You can spend forever trying to figure out what her strategy was, but now that Inanimate Insanity's backside us, we gotta face up the real globe!
Marshmallow Um...I'm still on the show, unfortunately.
Bow (stutters) Still? Okay, nononono. No. Nuh-uh. They accept run that thing into the basis! And I know. I'm dead!
Marshmallow (laughter) Thanks for listening. Paintbrush just gets too caught up in the anxiety to have a break for a second to talk.
Bow Well, that shouldn't be a problem with me! I'grand on break forever! (laughter) I'one thousand all that you lot need, right?!
Marshmallow What'd yous just say?
Bow (awkward laughter) Zero, nothing. (throws away Dr. Fizz)
Marshmallow ...I feel like yous're hiding something from me.
Bow (shakes) What? I tell you everything! If I was lying, I'd tell you!
Marshmallow That'south a lie within itself!
Marshmallow You...y'all WHAT?
Bow And MAYBE...y'all'll forgive me? (silence)
Dough (whispers) Draaamaaaa.
MePhone4 I hope anybody's ready!
Balloon Well really, maybe I should-
MePhone4 Crawly! Just making certain. Become!
Lightbulb and Airship (they both toss the buckets into the lake and pull them out.)
Lightbulb (runs to requite the bucket to Exam Tube)
Balloon (runs to go requite the bucket to Suitcase.)
Suitcase (gives the bucket to Nickel.)
Nickel (throws the saucepan to Baseball.)
Exam Tube (panting, gives the bucket to Fan.)
Baseball (throws the bucket to Microphone.)
Fan and Microphone (dumps their filled buckets into their reservoirs.)
Paintbrush and Pocketknife (platforms rise.)
MePhone4 (in distance) Consider them raiiised!
Paintbrush C'mon, team! Nosotros may take less members, but we're still gonna give it our all! (to Fan) Hey, um, uh, where'south Lightbulb?!
Lightbulb (comes out of water wearing a snorkel, and coughs upward a crab and holds the crab.) Oh. In that location you are. Oh. Yeah.
Paintbrush G-uh-LIGHTBULB! What are yous doing At present?!
Lightbulb I'm looking for the golden money, remember?
Paintbrush ...LIGHTBULB! YOU'RE AN Entire SEASON Behind! I didn't think it was possible, (pilus flames upwardly) But YOU'VE REACHED NEW LEVELS OF NONSENSICALITY!
Fan (shouting) WELL I Judge Anything'S POSSIBLE NOW!
Paintbrush ...what? What is this?
Fan That tie in the maze defied the blueprint in every manner possible!
Test Tube (trying to give bucket to Fan) Accept it.
Paintbrush It is a lot to take in. For certain, Fan.
Fan I-I realize now...
Test Tube Have information technology.
Fan ... that not fifty-fifty society itself...
Examination Tube Take it.
Fan ... tin definitively decide the game.
Test Tube Have it.
Fan I'k so sorry, Paintbrush.
Test Tube (angrily) Fan. Take it.
Paintbrush Ohohoh, stop. I'm simply glad I'm finally able to get united states of america dorsum on track.
Fan And if a tie is possible then the floodgates have opened for all SORTS OF CHAOS!
Paintbrush But yous get that you lot were wrong, right?
Fan (grabs bucket and fills reservoir) Then very incorrect!
Paintbrush (platform rises) Apology accepted! At present we're back on rails!
Balloon (goes to fill up up bucket once again) Continue moving! Only proceed on mo- (trips and falls) Woah! (bucket rolls to water) Oh nonononono! (bucket falls)
Nickel (distance) C'mon, for real?!
Baseball (distance) Uuugh.
Knife (distance) Seriously, dude?!
Microphone (sighs)
Suitcase It- It's fine. Simple mistake.
Nickel Hey, someone should get that bucket. Maybe Suitcase. Actually, definitely Suitcase. (to Suitcase) Become!
Suitcase (dives into water and swims towards bucket. Goes to catch bucket, hearing distorted voices. Voices quote Mecintosh, saying distortedly, "Betrayal is inevitable. The clock is ticking. Tick, tock, tick, tock..." overlapped with "Expose is inevitable. Just take information technology. You lot can't aid them now. You're doing this- for them... for them... for them." Grabs bucket but something grabs her leg. Just for a divide 2nd video shows a black circle with white background. Suitcase resurfaces with bucket.)
Nickel Quick, quick! Give it hither! C'mon!
Suitcase (gives Nickel filled bucket)
Balloon You were downward in that location for...a while. You okay?
Suitcase (vox changed) Never amend.
Episode ends with "To be continued".

Part 2

(Unknown voice repeats tick tock while other voices tin can be heard)

Suitcase: (Gets out of the water, and coughs)

Nickel: Quick, quick! Give it here! Come up on!

Balloon: Y'all were down in that location for.. a while. Yous okay?

Suitcase: (Voice changed) Never amend...

(At the Purgatory Mansion)

Bow: N'aww! Does a certain grumpy face need another soda? (squeal) Yous know I gotta keep my daughter happy!

Marshmallow: You lot fabricated her say those things?! But-but how?! That couldn't have been you!

Bow: Oh! Information technology's a neat lilliputian play a joke on called Possession!


Apple: Marshmallow, please come back!

(Bow posseses Apple)

Bow: Information technology'southward kind of a cool power you lot get when you're expressionless, equally if a tail wasn't enough.

Possessed Apple tree: (clears throat) Yes! I'm so glad Marshmallow is gone. Now I can savour myself, haha!

Marshmallow: Apple?

Bow: Normally you manipulate people with your words, merely this time I did information technology myself!

Possessed Apple: Subsequently all, IAMjust using her votes to get farther in the game.

Marshmallow: (gasps) You. Big.Jerk! I can't believe you were using me!

Dough: This... is the best role.

Bow. Hey! Stay out of my flashback!

Dough: Okay.

Possessed Apple: But, Marshmallow! I was only kidding. It was a big joke. Ha. Ha.

Marshmallow: You were by yourself! I can't believe I was ever friends with you lot!

Bow: I just.. (sigh) I but got a little distracted, like always.

Marshmallow: Bow, take care of her! ..Bow? Hi?

(Bow throws apple out window)

Bow: And, whoosh! Only like that. Pretty cool Right?

Dough: I, like, possessed a hamburger in one case, but to go the sensation. Turns out that a hamburger has a more circuitous and stressful life than I do.

Marshmallow: I.. I wasn't fifty-fifty talking to Apple tree? You know, this isn't helping me with my "what'south real" consequence!

Dough: Ugh! Yous wanna talk problems? What about MY problems? I have to sit down effectually all day, listening to her talking to paintings just to seek attention... not that I practise the same, of course.

Bow: Shut upwards you low-form impersonator! Information technology's non just any attention. Contestants like Kumquat-

Marshmallow: Apple.

Bow: Are the merely people Marsh really cares about! i had to fifty-fifty the playing field.. cause' what chance did I accept against an actual histrion?! I need to stand up out... Or else I'd be cypher!

Marshmallow: ...To me?

Bow: Yeah... Y'see Marsh... Striking information technology!

(Dough appears playing the piano in a soft tune, merely then goes to a more than fun tune.)

(Starts Singing Afterlife in The Limelight)


  1. REDIRECT Template:Dialogue Color

Contestants get to have all the fun!
If you're on the show you've already won!
Now that I no longer compete, I feel incomplete.
Taking part in the action, made for piece of cake interaction with friends.
And nothing was the same
once it wasn't but a game,
I never wanted it to end!
I hope that I could feel alive again!

Marshmallow: Without the game you dont feel alive?

Bow: Yeah! (depressed laughter), ah...

Marshmallow: Well that's weird i merely don't know well-nigh the easier fashion


: Contestants are divided for fun.
They face challenges that are never washed.
Since every single person you lot meet
could crusade your defeat.
All they desire is your reaction,
as you become a fraction, a blend.
Between who you actually are
and what you know could become you lot far,
information technology's not meant for united states to transcend.
We take someone upon whom we depend.

Bow and Marshmallow: (harmony) We have someone upon whom we depend.

Toilet: MePad! How many parameters is Marshy-Marsh from here?! I wanna her for Mistah Phone- What are you looking at?

MePad: Their progress. For what information technology's worth, there is certainly some efficient bucket-passing to acknowledge. Yet, many of the contestants have become erratic in a way that alludes me.

Toilet: Allude? Wh-What's alluding yous?

MePad: I detect that they all seem focused on pleasing each other, just none of them are very pleased themselves. Just from a logical perspective, shouldn't you recieve what you provide?

Toilet: (glances at MePhone for a second) Ha! Not ever!

Marshmallow and Bow: (harmony) In fact, when I... recall of that life... It isn't actually living... at all...

(Dough stops playing the piano)

Bow: And so, uh, if that's how you feel, why don't you come up live hither?

Marshmallow: What?

Bow: Aye, come stay hither, at the mansion, with me, and the maniac who thinks he's my blood brother!

Dough: Yep, stay with the states!

Marshmallow: I-I don't know..

Dough: PLEASE! Y'all're the closest thing we have to life!

Bow: We could still.. exist an appliance?

Marshmallow: (grins) On 1 condition. There'due south someone I want to bring.

(Scene switches to Paintbrush throwing the brawl at the target successfully)

Paintbrush: Aye! Woohoo!

Examination Tube: Retrieve, it'southward all in the precision.. Prec- (laughs) Thats a funny word. Preh- Precitty press- PRESS MY BUTTON! DEHH!

Nickel: Encounter? You know what yous're doing, Knife.

Pocketknife: (rolls eyes) Stick to the sarcasm, buddy. It suits y'all.

(Knife throws ball at the target successfully, and Microphone walks in)

Kinfe: Oh, nice information technology is of y'all to bring together us again. (passes ball to Microphone)

Microphone: Huh?

(Knife looks at microphone, angrily.)

Microphone: (Throws brawl at the target, seeing information technology fall) (Gasps and activates cocky, and screams, and hits the target.)

Taco: (Grins, seeing this situation)

Baseball: Wow, clever!

Microphone: Thanks! Just don't wanna pull a balloon, ya know?

Baseball: (Laughs)

Lightbulb: (Rubs ball, causing it to electrify) Here, Fan! Try and catch! Don't get electrocuted!

Fan: (Catches ball) Await- (Gets electrocuted) AAAAAAAA!

Paintbrush: WHA... WHY?!

Lightbulb: (With a disgusted face) Sad, I judge I could've thrown information technology underhand.

Fan: Spontaneous electrcution? (Sparks) I never even considered that! Too.. many Variables.. (Sobs)

Paintbrush: Would you simply THROW THEBALL!?!?!?

(Fan screams before throwing the brawl. Information technology hits the target.)

Paintbrush: Yep-heah!

Fan: Oh, that worked?

Knife: Okay, Balloon, you're upwardly. Get in count. (Passes Airship the ball)

Balloon: Wha-You're giving ME this?

Knife: You keep blabbering about proving yourself, why don't you stop whining and DO IT? I know you tin can.

Microphone: Relax, Airship. A piddling luck is all information technology takes. Just if luck isn't on your side... Oooohh... Ouch! Tough break.

(Cut to scene with Fan and Exam Tube, with Fan encouraging Examination Tube while she is still dazed.)

Fan: Come on, Test Tube! Information technology's up to you!

Exam Tube: I tin can't... (cough and stuff) I've, I've never... I've never athleticized earlier...

Fan: Oh, Exam Tube. That doesn't matter. At that placeis no design! The blueprint... is inYOU!

Paintbrush: Yep, yeah, yes, whatever he merely said! Only- but throw the ball already,please!

(Close-upwardly shot of Test Tube, Paintbrush's vox echoing in the groundwork. Afterwards a few seconds, Exam Tube finally snaps out of it, and Balloon and Test Tube both throw, with Examination Tube hitting the target and Balloon missing.)

MePhone: And the Bright Lights win immunity! Even with the numbers disadvantaged, their ability to work every bit a team pulled through.

Paintbrush: I-I don't believe it! We actually pulled through for once!

(Paintbrush pull Fan and Test Tube into a tight hug.)

Paintbrush: I Beloved you guys!

Lightbulb: (Holds Baxter and laughs) I know, I love you likewise!

Nickel: (sighs and looks back at Suitcase, both of them looking disappointed and/or permit down) Well, that settles it, so.

(Microphone walks away from the K Slams and tunes in to talk to Taco)

Microphone: ...look, I know I didn't do what y'all asked-

Taco: -No. Microphone, instead, yous found a style to manage manipulation that functionedwithin the rules of the game, somehow balancing my respect for both the competition, and the proficient old-fashioned "messing with people". I had no idea such a strategy was even possible, I must say; I'mvery impressed... At present, just... keep your oral cavity shut and let them go at it.

(Cut to Pocketknife walking to sit on the dock about Suitcase, who is lying down on the grass.)

Pocketknife: You know, from upwardly on that platform, I had a pretty good view of all your... strife.

Suitcase: (sarcastically) Cheers, you're a good friend.

Knife: Never claim to be... Look, I don't like getting involved, simply I just have to wonder; why put up with them if they never mind to a unmarried thing you say?

Suitcase: That's not truthful. Nickel did heed to me today, but toll us so much time..

Pocketknife: Heh, looks like someone' got set up.

Suitcase: ...Huh?

Knife: Did you honestly think they were willing to give Balloon a take chances? Or did yous simply convince yourself because y'all really wanted them to? They knew Balloon would neglect, apply information technology every bit a reason to eliminate him and- BONUS! -Doesn't make yous look so odd either.

Suitcase: Wow, yous're real great at existence... cynical. That must make you and so happy in a... "paradoxical" sort of way...

Knife: It does. And information technology looks similar to be happy, yous have to impress a bunch of people yous perceive as jerks!

Suitcase: Isn't that just what you telephone call yourself?

Knife: Believe me, theres more than i way to exist a jerk.

Suitcase: ...I've made my pick.

Knife: And you lot should stick to it. Simply... make your presence known.

(Cut to elimination.)

MePhone: I think it'south safe to say this is amassive alter in the game. Instead of your likability being determined by the viewers, your fate in the game from now on is contingent on the relationshipsyou have built on this very grass. Our new voting system is elementary! Just walk down the path and tap the screen on the young man competitor you want sent packin'. Nickel, yous're upwardly first.

(Nickel walks upwards to the screen.)

Nickel: I have to say, your genuine desire to change is... neat. I believe yous, simply I besides believe you beingness here is not then neat, so, adios.

(Knife votes for Balloon. Suitcase is most to vote for Balloon. She hesitates a little before endmost her eyes.)

MePhone: Let'southward read the votes. Balloon.

(Balloon seems surprised for a 2d, and then an angry look appears on his confront.)

MePhone: Nickel.

(Nickel glares at Balloon. Balloon looks confused.)

MePhone: Airship. two votes Balloon, ane vote Nickel.

(Nickel smirks at Baseball.)

MePhone: Balloon. Iii votes Balloon.

(Microphone stops crossing her fingers. Airship looks determined.)

MePhone: And The tenth contestant voted out...Balloon.

Airship: (sigh) Oh man, Suitcase. I know that vote must've been hard, just yous proved your loyalty to the alliance and I-I can't hold that against you.

Suitcase: ...what?

Balloon: Alright, I'd love to stay and conversation, but... I gotta go now, good day!

Suitcase: Await! I'm sorry. For the longest time, I've been and so unsure of myself. Whether or not I should... make my presence known.

Balloon: (Gritted teeth) I'yard trying to practice you a solid here!

Nickel: Welp, this is really straightforward, heh heh.

Suitcase: Nickel, I voted for YOU tonight.

(Nickel has a shocked look on his confront. Baseball looks disappointed.)

Nickel: Excuse me?

Suitcase: I only tin't forgive the way you've been treating Airship, game aside! And it's non but about him. You act like you're trying to protect me, but yous endeavour to send me away EVERY CHANCE yous become!

Nickel: Only, Suitcase, he was tearing us apart! I wanted us to have what we had before!

Suitcase: What nosotros had BEFORE? We don't... really even... TALK! It's never been anything personal, a-at all! And to me, that's not what an alliance.. IS!

Baseball: And so... what? Did our conversation on the docks non mean anything to you?

Suitcase: Y'all can pretend to care how I feel, merely I know who you actually answer to. You say you disagree with Nickel's tactics, but never human activity against them!

Baseball game: (stammers) I don't answer to ANYONE. I'thousand trying my best to continue my team in check! And your accusations CERTAINLY aren't helping!

Nickel: Westward-Wait a 2d, I only got one vote... What, did Balloon vote for himself!?

Suitcase: Looks similar information technology. I mean, information technology'due south piece of cake to read how everyone would vote, so he decided to be a skillful friend instead past pitying the arraign onhimself! And this is what aTruthful ally looks like! Merely I'm not gonna let him fight my battles for me! I voted forYOU, Nickel, because you lot'venever been a truthful marry to me!

Nickel: Well...what good did it do for you, huh!? The simply thing youstood for is burning your allies and weakening your chances, alright? And as long as I'grand hither, you're not foolinganyone once more.

MePhone: Actually... funny you bring that up. Y'run into, uh... you lot know how I said I'd "make up for it next time"? Well, it'southward adouble elimination! Surprise!

(Toilet pops out of a cake equally confetti pours down from the sky and children cheer)


Nickel: (eye twitches) Wha... what...!?

MePhone: Nickel, because y'all were the only other contestant to receive a vote, you're automatically eliminated as well. Wow, this contestant voting is justso much fun, I think we should do information technology like this every episode! YEAH!! How do you feel aboutthat,MePad?

MePad: I can't feel annihilation, sir.

MePhone: ...oh.

(Toilet pushes Nickel towards the emptying portal)

MePhone: And then, any terminal words you wanna say toyour voter, Nickel?

(Nickel winces equally he prepares)

Nickel: Heh, well, y'all heard her. (glares at Suitcase)It'southward nothingpersonal.

Toilet: You're going home! What a festive evening, PEOPLE! Mistah Phone, did you like the cake I fabricated you!? I baked it effectually myself and then I jumped out of it!

(Every bit he walks towards the elimination portal, Balloon glances at Suitcase, who looks quite aback.)

Balloon: ...thank y'all.

(Suitcase looks upward at him, appalled. Balloon then gain to walk into the portal.)

(Suitcase is on the verge of tears. Microphone and then breaks the silence.)

Microphone: Well, heh... what a...lively experience! (yawn) Well, not much to gain by sitting around and doing nothing. Encounter ya.

Suitcase: input meantnothing to Nickel. I... I onlyhad to stand up up for myself.

Baseball: (on the verge of tears) ...certain. (walks away)

Suitcase: I had no thought this was even possible!

Pocketknife: Information technology's too not what I meant past "making your presence known", but 'ey, you lot did it now.

Suitcase: I really tried to exist a good brotherhood member, just I only stepped all over information technology...

Knife: I judge it depends, an alliance to you?

(Cut to Marshmallow walking through the wood to Hotel OJ. MePad teleports in front of her. They both say goose egg, and MePad allows Marshmallow to pass.)

(Marshmallow throws two pebbles at a window of Hotel OJ, followed by one big stone that breaks the window open)

Apple tree: Aaah!

(Apple runs over to the window to meet what happened, and sees Marshmallow, smiling at her.)

(Ending credits)

MePhone: Vote for i of these 3 options for Episode 12's claiming. The claiming with the well-nigh votes will exist included.

Lightbulb: (holding her crab) I'm gonna name you lot Baxter.

(Baxter pinches Lightbulb'south mitt. Lightbulb shouts in pain as Baxter hops back into the water)

Lightbulb: Oh, Baxter! (sobs)

Bow: Adamation!

Dough: Hi guys, I'1000 Dough. I wanted to tell you lot almost, like, these videos that'll requite you a warm feeling inside. Since I'm expressionless, I point a lamp at myself all day to become that feeling back, and it never comes. But for you lot, it could be only a click away! I'll settle for possessing hamburgers instead, they feel style more than than Iever could. Thanks for watching, and don't forget to subscribe. Yaaaaahhh.

[The End]

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